Tattoo Aftercare

- Remove bandage or “second skin” after three days but NO MORE THAN FIVE. You can remove the bandage sooner if the tattoo is exposed or the bandage is irritating your skin. Just follow the instruction below as soon as it is removed.

- Wash your hands prior to removing bandage(s). Immediately wash tattoo with warm

water and anti-bacterial soap. I recommend using a mild unscented liquid soap. (Dial gold is great) Repeat until tattoo is no longer slimy or glazed.

o DO NOT USE A WASHCLOTH – washcloths may harbour bacteria that can cause skin infections.

- Pat or dab (do not rub) the tattoo with a piece of paper towel and allow to air dry for at least 10 minutes.

- Apply a very thin veil of tattoo aftercare or lightweight lotion. (Lubriderm is great)

Repeat washing daily and apply ointment whenever the tattoo feels dry (for at least 7 days). By this time the tattoo should be mostly healed. As the tattoo heals, it will peel like a sunburn.

Daily Care

- Always wash your hands with liquid soap and warm water prior to touching your tattoo

- Always keep the tattoo free from grease, chemicals, general dirt, or exposure to

biohazards (such as uncooked meats). If the tattoo becomes soiled, wash it with soap and

warm water and air dry it.

- Do not expose the tattoo to sunlight for at least 4 weeks.

- Do not use tanning beds for at least 4 weeks.

- Do not soak tattoo in water (avoid bathing for 2 weeks; avoid public swimming pools

and hot tubs for 4 weeks).

- Do not allow shampoo or rinse/conditioner to come into contact with your tattoo.

- Profuse sweating has the same effect on new tattoos as soaking in water. If you work

out (especially cardiovascular or aerobic), take some time off.

- Wear loose clothing that can allow your healing tattoo to breathe.

- Do not pick or scratch new tattoos

- After 4 weeks, apply sun block to the tattoo if it is to be exposed to the sun.

Signs of Infection:

- If you observe these signs on your skin, please contact a doctor immediately: o Swelling and redness that increases around the tattoo

o A severe burning and throbbing sensation around the tattoo

o Increased tenderness and increasingly painful to touch

o An unusual discharge (yellow or green) with an offensive smell